Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed

Karen R. Koenig, LICSW, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist, educator, and writer who has specialized in the field of compulsive, emotional, and restrictive eating for over 20 years. She is a co-founder of the Greater Boston Collaborative for Body Image and Eating Disorders and a member of the Professional Advisory Committee of the Massachusetts Eating Disorders Association.

Using a proven, cognitive-behavioral treatment approach to changing beliefs, feelings, and behavior, Karen is on a mission to teach people who are food challenged how to stop struggling with food and weight issues and get on with life.

During the past two decades, she has counseled and offered workshops about the rules of "normal" eating to hundreds of overeaters and undereaters in the Greater Boston Area. She has also conducted professional training for therapists and nutritionists at the Massachusetts Eating Disorders Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, and Simmons College School of Social Work.

Her clinical columns have appeared in Social Work Focus, and she has had articles and essays published in The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, The West Roxbury Transcript, Equal Times, Single Living, and The Newsletter for the Society for Family Therapy and Research. She received a B.A. from Boston University, an M.Ed. from Antioch College, and an M.S.W. from Simmons College School of Social Work.

BOOKS BY Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.Ed